interio design 2017

by Marianne Kohler Nizamuddin, 12. September 2017

live relaxed, fresh and just the way you want

new work out for the Swiss interior brand Interio
styling: Marianne Kohler Nizamuddin
creative direction: Studio Achermann
photography: François Halard

Some sofas can grow, go around the corner  or around the whole living room.

Use your window sill as a gallery for all the things you love and need.

Two large tables make one grand table.

You can never have an enough white plates.

A night in blue satin and dreams about the man on the moon.

With breakfast in bed you can stay under the blanket that little bit longer.

This story its not about the princess and the pea but about the princess and the robot.


my friend Manuela has such a lovely handwriting.

She wrote me a few love letters in different ways and languages.

… and poetry

We worked in an amazing artist house from the 19.century.

The location is high above the Walensee with a breath taking view.

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Marianne Kohler Nizamuddin

Marianne Kohler Nizamuddin ist Stylistin und Journalistin. Sie begann ihre Karriere als Textildesignerin und arbeitete in Paris und New York, bevor sie einige Jahre das Moderessort der Zeitschrift «Annabelle» leitete. Heute arbeitet sie in den Bereichen Styling, Creative Direction und Consulting. Zudem ist sie die Autorin von Sweet Home, dem meist gelesenen Interior-Blog der Schweiz, der fünfmal in der Woche auf Tagesanzeiger/Newsnet erscheint. Marianne Kohler Nizamuddin lebt mit ihrem englischen Mann David und ihrem Hündchen Miss C. in Zürich.