interio midcentury chic 2017

by Marianne Kohler Nizamuddin, 20. September 2017

lets do a little time travel and rediscover the coolness and chic from the midcentury

new work out for the Swiss interior brand Interio
styling: Marianne Kohler Nizamuddin
creative direction: Studio Achermann
photography: François Halard

Look back to the fifties:. the architecture and design from the midcentury brought beauty and coolness. today we decorate with a new and contemporary midcentury chic.

The daybed moves back in. Its a good place to relax, read or listen to music.

A bedroom in the midcentury style offers a calm refuge both sexes.

That little workplace at home offers the perfect space for creativity.

Mix dark ceramics with colorful one and create a sensual mood on the table.

My dad lent us his great collection of jazz records. They bring an authentic feel to the pictures.

Make the home accessories your toys and play around while decorating your home.


Its a wrap! We celebrate in the garden from our gorgeous location with the view over the lake of Zurich.

Lucky me – working with the best! Creative Director Beda Achermann (right) und photographer François Halard (left) enjoy a glass of wine and a great view.

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Marianne Kohler Nizamuddin

Marianne Kohler Nizamuddin ist Stylistin und Journalistin. Sie begann ihre Karriere als Textildesignerin und arbeitete in Paris und New York, bevor sie einige Jahre das Moderessort der Zeitschrift «Annabelle» leitete. Heute arbeitet sie in den Bereichen Styling, Creative Direction und Consulting. Zudem ist sie die Autorin von Sweet Home, dem meist gelesenen Interior-Blog der Schweiz, der fünfmal in der Woche auf Tagesanzeiger/Newsnet erscheint. Marianne Kohler Nizamuddin lebt mit ihrem englischen Mann David und ihrem Hündchen Miss C. in Zürich.